I remember it like it was yesterday..
The room was filled with several coaches who
were looking to level up in all areas of life
Not just help transform other peoples
lives,but their own lives as well
What am I speaking of here…?
Let’s travel back in time to
a few months back when I was in florida to
increase my level of knowledge so I could
give back even more to those that I was
You’re LYING
^This is what was said when the head coaches
went around the room and asked everyone what
they truly wanted
and than they came to me on what I really
Asking me some brutal (yet eye opening)
With all these other guys watching as I
What I really wanted
Why was this important to me
Why hadn’t I achieved it yet
What was I so scared of..?
On an on they kept questioning us until the
TRUTH was revealed
It was seriously one of the most challenging
days of my life
Stepping back and not sugarcoating
Laying it ALL out for everyone to see
Getting REAL, Raw, & Relevant to what we
wanted MOST in life
Though during this moment I was terrified
When it was through, I felt like a HUGE
weight had been lifted off of me
I let it all of my chest, nothing was held
Not having to walk on egg shells, just be
REAL and say what you want
They were right
Everyone was lying (including me)
I didn’t have time
It didn’t phase me of what other people
thought of me
I was really giving it my all (aka ‘my “so
called” best’)
^Complete lies
It’s like I was just playing at life..
Merely getting by so I could just be
I realized (as did the rest of us) we have
the POWER to get anything we want
We just have to commit to what we said we
would do
These stories might be on constant playback
inside your own head..
These are similar to the stories of the guys
that I get speak with each week about getting
what they want inside their own lives (i.e:
better body for starters)
They end up realizing that once they’ve
obtained this POWER back in their
lives..they’re unstoppable
Not only unstoppable in their own lives, but
for their loved ones and those that mean the
most to them at home
The main problem with most fitness outlets or
typical programs
isn’t necessarily the knowledge or the plans
(that will of course come)
It comes down to BELIEF
That you can actually achieve what you are
There’s so much negative
That hardly anyone ever believes in
themselves anymore
So today I would have you consider to get
REAL with yourself
Be honest..write it down and share it with
one person..
Because in all reality, the time we have is
Tomorrow isn’t promised
And it would a shame to go through everyday
life feeling like deep down, you’re not the
person you know you can be..
All you need is GUIDANCE
Just like ever other ambitious busy working
guy is getting inside here:
And discover more about what we do inside the
because regardless if this is sounds cliche..
It’s truly life changing
In the next 30 days YOU could finally
show up as the best version of yourself
Stay ‘Ok’
and in all reality be truly miserable with
how you’ve let things get
Your choice..
Logan ‘Quit Lying’ Henry
PS Still haven’t forgot to tell you about the
biggest things that stop most
people, guys especially, from ever reaching out in the first
Possibly will go into that tomorrow
Depends on how I feel my friend
Until then stop wasting time
and click the link to get more info
and to hear from those who were
in the same situation as you months back
Here’s that link I was telling you about