Pure Independence Workout - LostFit

Pure Independence Workout

Happy 4th of July Everyone! Since were celebrating a day of freedom, I felt it was my duty to provide you with a workout that represents pure independence.

Here is the Wild Card Workout that’s featured inside this weeks Inner Circle Weekly Trainer:
BB Squat: 6

Reps 3:1 Tempo (Heavy)

Deadlifts: 6 Reps 3:1 Tempo (Heavy)
Bear Crawls 25 Crawls
You will complete a total of two, 6minute rounds, only resting for 60
seconds after each round: keep a timer on you complete as many
rounds as possible within the 6 minute time period

Overhead Press: 8 Reps 2:1 Tempo
Flat Bench Press: 8 Reps 2:1 tempo
Jump Squats 25 total
You will complete a total of two, six minute rounds, only resting 60
seconds after each round: keep a timer on you complete as many
rounds as possible within the 6 minute time period

Fight the good fight brothers,

Logan Henry

For more elite tips and wild independent workouts coming to you on the daily, sign up for my  emails over to the right side of this blog.

About the Author Logan Henry