I will get Big, Bulky, and Manly..
^The Top 3 Things I hear constantly from the women I meet or from those whom I’ve coached before..
Weights are scary and society has pushed against it for women looking to get in better shape.
I understand their initial hesitation..
There’s also the fact that across all weight rooms, it’s somewhat more of a barbaric scene going on over by the weights and it
doesn’t seem very inviting for most women
Well my lady, here is your cordial invitation to take control of the weight room..
Screw the guys, it’s your domain too..
And it should be
Here’s why…
I want you to ask yourself, do I just want to lose weight or do I want to look better?
^^There’s a big difference between the two
If you were to drop say fifteen pounds, but you still looked exactly the same, would you be satisfied?
Probably not..
You achieved the look of your favorite celebrity or cover model, but you weighed exactly the same or maybe even more…
I think with result number two..you would be pretty damn happy, regardless of what the scale said..
Training WITHOUT weights= Flabby and Flaccid
Training WITH weights= Tight, Toned, and Shapely
Walk into any facility around you and you will most likely see the cardio area filled to the max..
Most would think that is the way to losing weight and getting the results they desire..
Cardio will indeed burn you calories, but not in the way weight training does.
Your goal should be to stimulate your muscle fibers.
Why in the world would you want to do that?
Because if you want a tight, yet firm bikini body, you must train your muscles
Not only that, but you will burn twice (if not more) calories from lifting weights
Your body experiences an after burn effect or otherwise known as EPOC
“Excessive Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption”
If you do traditional cardio (which I can only hope you stop doing after reading this)
your body will immediately stop burning calories the moment your done
However, lifting weights will send your metabolic rate through the roof and have you burning calories like a machine for up to 48 hours
It’s time to ditch this train of thought..
Let me open your mind to the truth
First off, women don’t produce nearly enough testosterone as the male counterpart does
These women you see on a bodybuilding stage..we’re talking the He-Woman look a likes here
They have a little help from some magic supplements that will assist them in higher testosterone levels..
So unless your using an outside source, there is no need to worry.
You need to focus on consistency in both key areas of training and nutrition..
Be expending more energy and eating more calories than you burn, your fat loss will Accelerate at a rapid pace..
Great, now that you have a new mindset, there’s still one hurdle to jump through- where in the world to start
You will learn proper technique and it will be well worth the investment.
~Skip the machines, free weights will be your best friend
~Master the basic primal movements: Deadlifts, Squats, and Bench Press
~Going for strong–>lift between 5-8 reps with challenging weight
~Going for endurance–>go slightly lighter, but remained challenged at 12-20 reps.
~Keep confusion on point for your body. If you don’t switch things up periodically you won’t change.
Now that we have that down, try this one next time your at the gym
A1- Back Squats~ 6 Reps
A2-Sumo Dumbbell Squats ~10 Reps
A3- Glute Bridges ~12 Reps
A4- Stiff Legged Dumbbell Deadlifts~ 15 Reps
3 Rounds with a 60-75 second rest after each round is complete
This one will work wonders for the booty 🙂
Make sure you warm up properly by performing a couple of lighter sets to wake your body up and get the blood flowing.
Logan “Sexy Back” Henry
PS If you need help or your still confused on the the right protocol for you. Click the link below to Apply for a Strategy Session. This way we can have a conversation to see what current obstacles are holding you back and finally give you clarity to achieve the results you desire.